Kevin Koyle, President of Utah’s Mounted Thunder
Owner/operator of K & E Blanks and Koyle Concrete, Kevin has spent endless hours building the membership of our club. Planning and directing matches, finding sponsors, hosting practices, donating a ton of blanks for our local shoots when the club was in it’s growing phase. He is a NRA certified Instructor for pistol, rifle and shotgun and teaches Beginner Shooter Clinics here in Utah to continue to build the sport and our club membership. He is very passionate about our club and has made it a priority in his and his family’s life. This is our 6 year of having a local club now, he was told by a “seasoned shooter” back when he started the club that he would fail at making this club a success because in Utah the shooters are not dedicated to the sport. That statement has been proven to be nothing but false! Both Kevin and our club members have been super dedicated and passionate about this fast growing sport. Many of our shooters travel on national and world levels bringing home multiply titles every year. Kevin is the current CMSA U.S. Westerns SM2 National Champion, CMSA 2016 Utah Overall Champion, CMSA Utah SM2 State Champion and CMSA Utah State Reserve Overall Champion.