Tad Jolley, Vice – President of Utah’s Mounted Thunder
Owner/operator of Jolley’s Pharmacy in West Jordan Utah. Tad has been a member of our club for several years. He has sponsored several events and jackpot series to help promote and build our club also. He and his wife JoAnn are always volunteering and helping out at the CMSA matches and jackpots. You will always see JoAnn sitting next to Elaine Koyle in the crows nest announcing, writing down times and helping with registration, while Tad is out helping Kevin change courses, giving emotional support and course management advice to the new shooters. He brings some new energy and great ideas to the table. Tad’s long time experience as a dedicated business owner is sure to push our club to the next level. Kevin and our board members are super excited that he taken on this commitment. Tad is currently CMSA Utah and Arizona SM1 State Champion and has just recently moved up to a SM2 at our CMSA Wild West Shootout in Heber last October.