Colorado EIA update**

As of September 10th, 2018, the Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) Incident in Colorado has resulted in:

• The index premises in Weld County is under a quarantine order; two associated premises are under hold orders

• Twenty-six (26) premises are under hold orders in 13 Colorado counties: Adams, Arapahoe, Crowley, Delta, Douglas, El Paso, Fremont, Gunnison, Larimer, Mesa, Moffat, Montrose, and Weld

• Fifty-seven (57) exposed horses have been located in Colorado

CDA is continuing to work to locate horses in Colorado that were exposed to the EIA-positive horse in addition to testing many of the exposed horses for EIA.

The one quarantined premises in Weld County and the premises directly associated with it have a higher degree of restrictions to control the EIA disease. Some of these are:

• All horses coming into the premises cannot leave until all the re-testing is completed and tests are negative

• All horses coming into the premises must be tested for EIA

• All horses coming into the premises from other states must have a certificate of veterinary inspection

• A complete inventory of horses on the premises is monitored by CDA